Just photos.


While head-banging to Van Halen, Rayne stuck licorice up her nose. Leaving red rings around her nostrils for the rest of the day.


Then I found her a wonderful pair of Oxfords at Goodwill of all places! One thing about me: I love thrift stores. Goodwill, Salvation Army, Hole in the wall town thrifts. I love them all. Now Rayne has a beautiful pair of shoes to match me!


Anyone who regularly reads my blog, knows I hardly sleep. That’s why I drink big cups of coffee like the one above.


This is Rayne and I enjoying the little bit of sunshine today, while I sipped on a Starbucks Refresher. These are the moments I love.


Then our kitty Oxford came out to say hello.


This is a photo from  yesterday. We visited my Grandmother’s house and Rayne was very unsure of her guest, so she latched onto me. My Mom took this photo. And I think it’s very cute.

There isn’t a point to this post, just to share some photos. I’m quiet tired. Hopefully I can have something more interesting to post for you tomorrow.

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